All posts by Steven Satyricon

I'm an artist who's been living in San Francisco since July 2002. I'm a believer in activism, community, love, magic, and real life engagement. I'm the man behind the curtain in this little slice of the internet.


I am Satyricon
I am faggot, white wood burning in your fire
I am misplant, transplant no roots in the American soil
Son of hatred and abuse
Fodder for the cannons of
Freaking out? Am *I* freaking out??
You bet your sweet ASS I’m freaking out I’m
Forty-three FUCKINGYEARS old and just when I was
to finally get my own shit together?
Reality took a fucking
and by me, I mean us,
because, fuck,
I kept saying “The only way out is through, and we’re going to get through this together!”
As if my words could change the world?
As if my voice was ever heard or mattered?
And one year later
One goddamn LOOOOOOOOONG-ass year later
We’ve barely moved one motherfucking inch and
Yes in fact I DO swear a lot and always have–
They never managed to beat THAT out of me and
Anyway, fuck you because swearing a lot is actually a sign of high intelligence
not that anyone REALLY wants to hear what the really intelligent people
have got to say because
Frankly? It isn’t pretty and we’ve all got blood on our hands and
Isn’t it nicer to just switch off the news, tune out the truth and
Get fucked? Or just fucked up??
It’s like, I’m not trying to be that asshole but obviously SOMEONE
‘sGotta be the asshole here because without a sphincter
This whole world is gonna be
That it explodes in a microsecond.
I could try to show you the equation on paper but
Sadly, I never got that one paper that supposedly tells you
That you’re more eligible than someone else to earn that
OTHER kind of paper that’s apparently THE only thing
That anyone judges us by anymore and
By the way, you ever notice how much paper it costs to get that other paper?
Hence, no paper
But I digress.

I am Satyricon
And though the blood of generations of witches and Fae
Courses constantly through my evermore visible veins
My magick wasn’t enough to save Chad,
It might’ve had something to do with the deaths of my parents
(don’t hit your children.
(Children will listen. Children will grow…
Grow more powerful and grow to regret what they cannot undo,
The Past that cannot be undone
Cannot take back the hatred which was a natural response to
Violence, ignorance, neglect
And of course, more hatred)
Every time I think I’ve come to forgive myself
Another sling or arrow pierces to the depths of my
VERY vulnerable and constantly exposed heart–
Why yes I AM hypersensitive and always have been;
Maybe that’s a side effect of the Queerness or maybe
I was just breast-fed for too long,
Who could say?–
Causing me to retreat again into the only familiar constant:
I’ve tried so hard for so many years of my life to
Maintain some illusory concept of control when
It’s now MUCH MORE than obvious
That control is an illusion to people like me…
I am Satyricon
Witch Of Walter Street
Peddler of charms, teller of fortunes
(not their creator; I’m merely your Cassandra)
“I’m not good, I’m not nice, I’m just RIGHT
I’m the WITCH, you’re the WORLD”…
It’s absolutely fucking remarkable
How little I care for being right anymore;
If what was right became what was
At least 50% of the time maybe
Right now.

Right now.
Right here.
I am Satryicon,
And I am exhausted.
All my charms are now o’erthrown.
You can have your world back;
After all, we haven’t really been using it anyway,
Have we?
Not when there’s a Magic Sky Palace (TM)
Awaiting all of Jesus’ little flock of sheeple
When they rapture the fuck outta here
And leave this a scorched Earth left for us witches to burn on,
Have I mentioned I’m tired?
Sorry, sometimes I forget things,
Repeat things,
That doesn’t make them any less true,
So tired of all this DRAMA
Tired of pretending I’m “fine”
Long since have I given up the ghost of “good”
Why should I be?
Nothing else is.
Nor no one, save perhaps for a miserable 1% or so
Literally drowning in their fatted wealth
And eating Iguanas
(Jeff fucking Bezos. Google it.)
Believing somehow that either:
They’re somehow going to be able to BUY their way out of
The effects of the Armageddon they’ve manufactured
They really just don’t care who suffers after they’re dead–
Including their own children–
Cuz they died with the most money so they won,

I am Satyricon
I am a Witch
And so were the Founding Fathers
Surprise, look it up! Freemasonry is NOT
Christianity and
Anyway how could you not look at practically everything
In Washington DC and miss
The black magick of it all,
The perverse will of white colonizers
Forced upon a peaceful and once verdant continent
With its own First Peoples?
Couldn’t we have taken a page from the 2020 Playbook and
No! Instead, we decided to just wear a mask:
The mask of righteousness. Of some Puritanical putrescence
To justify the slaughter of peaceful “savages” but
Where was I? Oh yeah, Masonry.
Ever wonder why ol’ Ben Franklin never held office,
But ended up on the $100 bill?
I’ll give you a clue–
It wasn’t because of his bon mots!
But what the fuck do you care?
It’s too hard to think about any of that.
Better to Grubhub some food and watch Amazon Prime.
Because the truth is simply so exhausting.
And we’re all tired.
We’re all so very tired.
I think I may have said already that,
In fact,
I too am tired.

I am Satyricon,
And I am a Queer.
Did I choose Queer?
Insofar as the precise definition of its meaning
In the English language,
Sure I chose THAT to describe myself
(being rather obsessed with words from an early age)
But BEING Queer is certainly and absolutely
Nothing I ever CHOSE, I mean
If merely giving it up would’ve meant one less beating
From any other human being in my first 20 years of
Life or so surely, logically,
As the son of a PhD in astrophysics
(with a mean right arm btw)
I would’ve just CHOSEN not to be Queer…..?
Unless I truly do hate myself that much?
If I did, who would be to blame?
After all, there wasn’t a day of my childhood that went by
In which I wasn’t punished for something
I could not understand.
Gosh, I’m whining, aren’t I?
Everyone suffers, in their own way.
Everybody Hurts,
Maybe all the time, now.
Maybe we just aren’t talking about it…
Maybe we let shame and fear of vulnerability
Chase us all back back into our primordial cave
Of Collective Consciousness,
Maybe we’ve all just given up because
It’s tiring, all the wasted effort and false hoping
And trying to smile or take photos of our food
We’re drained.
Capitalism and Consumerism are BUILT for that,
And they’ve done their job with expert precision:
We’re reaping what we sown for the last two Millenia.
Apocalypse NOW, Baby!!!

I am Satyricon,
And I’ve grown weary of shouting.
I lay down my arms,
Lay down the sword of words, of truth,
Of any discernment or judgement or
Anything else heavier than the air
I just keep futilely squeezing through my body.
I am weary to the bone.
I surrender.
If this Earth chooses to reclaim me I’ll let it
(as though there were ever a second option!)
But I rather suspect I’ll keep going;
If the first 40 years didn’t manage to kill me,
There might be another 40 or so ahead.
So I remember now
That I long ago learned
Why I stay tired
How to stay alive.

me, my selfie, and i.

Selfies. Can we talk about selfies for a minute?
I finally caved and created an Instagram account last year, a month or so into my pandemic/unemployment boredom/mental health crisis. I don’t consider myself a very talented photographer, but I like to document my life and what I see, because I know that I tend to notice things that many other people don’t. That having been said, after joining Insta I quickly recognized that many people (who are, by social media standards and metrics, quite popular) mostly populate their feed with selfies.
Now, I see nothing at all wrong with this; everyone has a right to glorify their beautiful bodies. However, I’ve come to realize that there are two main reasons why I personally have rarely posted any photos of myself: 1) I think I really suck at taking good selfies and 2) Nearly a year into total COVID shutdown, I have never felt less attractive or physically fit in my entire adult life.
I’ve struggled with body dysmorphia my entire life. I was a fat kid; I eventually got a growth spurt (thanks, late-blooming puberty) and became gangly and awkward; I was happily a rail-thin raver in the 90s/00s and then eventually, I decided to get on the gym/bodybuilding/steroid train, and at 26 years of age, I finally sort of grew into what I decided my adult form was. It was fun. I got a lot of attention. Some people decided to hate me because to them I was “one of those gym/circuit queens.” And that is fine. I’m used to being hated. If you grew up queer as a three dollar bill in Alabama in the 80s, you either got killed or learned how to survive a whole lot of people hating you. Anyway. Point is, whether I chose to lift weights just to look good or to become more fit in general, I learned to love the way that exercise made me feel. Present, *in* my body. Strong. Focused. Disciplined.
Not having gyms really sucks. Not having a yoga studio to go to–where I can have a practice that’s like going to church–really, really sucks. Not being able to go to Ecstatic Dance at The Church Of 8 Wheels and fling myself around, barefoot, covered in sweat, and stone-cold sober (save for the actual brain-chemistry-induced high of the experience)…FUCKING SUCKS. You get the idea? It’s been nearly a year since I’ve been able to experience any of the physical activity that makes my body feel like anything other than a walking bag of garbage. I do not FEEL good in my skin.
I feel ugly. I feel simultaneously puffy and deflated.
I feel inhuman.
This pandemic has not just robbed me of human connection; it has robbed me of every physical practice that ever made me feel like I actually am a human.
I didn’t start writing this at 5 something AM on a Sunday because I wanted attention or reassurance that I’m still [whatever affirmational adjectives you prefer in regards to physical appearance]. I’m REALLY not asking for “life hacks” about how to create a home practice for physical fitness in any form, and I damn well better not hear a single word from a single person about anything physical-fitness-related that involves spending a single penny, when I’m getting about $142 a week to live on from the government and I haven’t been able to pay rent in full since last March. I want people to understand that presently, in my reality, physical fitness basically looks like a luxury item to me…something for the financially privileged, which is a category I have summarily been excluded from for pretty much my entire life.
I realize that there’s a lot of white whine in these words; I can say that I’m grateful for still having a roof over my head and food every day and at least one human being in my life who is legally contracted to accept some degree of my company and energy on a regular basis, regardless of the inherent risk of death (or worse, crucifixion via social media) that all human contact now apparently carries. But I am also a human being, and I am suffering, and I am entitled to express my displeasure at THIS FUCKING INSANITY THAT IS LIFE RIGHT NOW.
I want my old life back.
I want my body back.
I want to be in public.
With people.
People who aren’t treating one another like they’re fucking radioactive.
I really, really don’t know how much longer I can keep putting on a brave face and pretending like everything is just peachy keen and it’s only gonna be a little while longer before FUCKING ANYTHING NORMAL is allowed or legal or socially acceptable again.
I am losing my mind. I am losing myself.
I’m scared.
I’m lonely.
I know I’m not a perfect person and I know I haven’t always been the best I could be, in relations with other people. But goddammit, I’ve spent over a decade trying really hard to work on myself internally and be a kinder, more compassionate person and frankly, right now it feels like a wasted effort because if I can’t dance in a crowd of 2,000 bodies, or scream my head off in an arena when one of my favorite pop idols takes the stage, or–for that matter–stand in a spotlight onstage myself at a sold-out show and accept the applause from an audience that thinks something I took part in was worth clapping for…
Then why the fuck am I even here?
I don’t even know what the point of this ramble was, any more. I think I wanted to say something that maybe people would empathize with, but mostly I just feel like a hopeless narcissist, boo-hooing about trifles when there’s real suffering out there in the world.
You know what? Fuck you if that’s true. I pay for a (badly designed/maintained and mostly neglected) website; I drank the social media Kool-Aid like everybody else….I have my tiny patch of the internet’s ideosphere to stake a claim on, and I’m damn well gonna use it to say that
So yeah, maybe someone out there can relate. Maybe not. Whatever. Here’s a photo of my 43-year-old meatsack, in case you don’t like to read.
Happy January 17th.

Thank You, Mary Botts

I think perhaps it was this morning
after sunrise, after the post office
before my last sip of coffee
I had walked past a food bank set up
in the school parking lot
on my way to sit in the park
for just a few minutes

I think I became infected
with some new sort of hope
My mask of tragedy
fell away
And in its absence
came the presence
not of comedy
but of grace.

There is great audacity
in believing oneself worthy
in feeling seen
in allowing all the love in

An absurd notion struck me
on the ride home:
This City
may never call me Emperor
but perhaps it has always cared for me

If my compassion is relentless
If my kindness is heartfelt
and my compliments sincere
I may not find enlightenment
nor buy a place in heaven

But, Fates allowing,
I will stay
and that will help.

“. . .it’s still Love.”

Earlier this month, the drag and performance community of SF was shocked to hear of the sudden passing of Matthew Simmons, otherwise known as Peggy L’Eggs.

It’s taken me weeks to think of anything I could say publicly in response to this news; as the countless Facebook posts scrolled by–all of the photos and memories and eulogies–it felt impossible for me to think of anything I could say or add that wasn’t redundant or trite. Now, on the eve of his/her (online) memorial, I have realized something important that Peggy taught me, which I would like to share.

Shortly after moving to San Francisco in the summer of 2002, I had already been getting frequent gigs as a gogo dancer: mostly at The Stud Bar, where I had also begun to discover the fiercely beating heart of The City’s punk-aesthetic/performance-art skewed drag scene, as epitomized by the legendary Trannyshack. It was within this framework that I soon began dancing for the all-drag-queen rock band Pepperspray, in which Peggy played keyboard and sang.

As a barely-25-year-old who was still in many ways very naive, wide-eyed, and inexperienced, what first struck me about Peggy was their firm grounding in the sort of spirituality that speaks to me; I would say that s/he recognized me as a kindred spirit in that regard, and feeling seen in such a way meant a lot to me as someone who moved here to find as many kindred spirits (in as many different ways) as I could. What I was stricken by today as I was reflecting, however, was a simple sort of grace which Matthew/Peggy modeled to me…something which I now realize has made an indelible impact on my life.

As someone who was often severely bullied from my childhood and teenage years well into early adulthood, it took me a very long time to learn to feel any degree of deep trust with most people. Within months of moving from my childhood home in Alabama to Atlanta, Georgia (my home before SF), I had quickly been taught of the concept of “shade” as it relates to gay culture; being cut down, teased, or otherwise poked fun of was shown as a standard component of social interactions between gays, and I had to learn fast how to keep up and snap back when I was the recipient of shade–this was, for me, a major rite of passage into my adult queer identity.

There are few places in which the concept of shade is more finely honed or commonly practiced than in drag culture; in our modern age or RuPaul reality competitions, it’s launched countless catchphrases into common parlance. And as I began to become more firmly ensconced in drag culture, some Darwinian part of me was constantly observing the pecking order created by the dynamics of shade. Specifically, I noticed that, in most pockets of drag culture, there are certain people for whom being the butt of the joke somehow becomes an innate part of their role within said culture.

Perhaps because of my own history of being bullied, I recognized Peggy L’Eggs as one of these “shade scapegoats” rather quickly; however, what struck me was her seemingly endless capacity to accept the brunt of what may seem to the casual observer as mockery, yet s/he never appeared to personalize this or take any offense. In fact, I’d swear I saw some sort of deep compassion and amusement–perhaps even a pleasure–twinkling in those huge, expressive eyes of hers when shade was thrown her way.

It’s like…she didn’t mind being the butt of any joke, because she was always IN ON the joke.

I now realize that witnessing this practice of grace from Peggy has made so much difference in my life. I have always felt seen and appreciated by my drag/stage family here in San Francisco…and I have always felt like I’m in on the joke. That has made it easier for me to extend trust and love to all people more readily.

To put it in the very wise words of a long-time Radical Faerie friend of mine, Storm Arcana (who said this to me sometime in the late 1990s): Even when it’s disguised as Shade, it’s still Love.

No one I have ever met exemplified that better than Peggy L’Eggs.

Thank you, “Peggs.” I will truly miss the light you always carried inside you, no matter how fierce the shade.

Twilight Gospel

Please forgive me if i seem a little
these days
i’ve begun to think that maybe
i make a better story
        than i do a person
If my touch seems cold
it’s only because
Life is for the living
        and i might be a ghost
                of some past time
Forgotten now.
These here fingers are still out there grasping
but all words have become weapons and
        even just asking
Feels wrong.
Life keeps on slipping through me
like liquid/sand down an hourglass/drain
and i’m grabbing and clutching
but fingers slip
        like a mask
and suddenly exposure is deadly AGAIN…

Please excuse me if i sound a little
these days
i’ve begun to believe that i might
make a better statistic
        than i do a human
I’ve already survived a Plague, don’t you see?
i got it but i lived and yet now the whole world
        is dying
What if memories
are all we’ll have left?

I listened as Nikki Giovanni read:
I am cotton candy on a rainy day
  the unrealized dream of an idea unborn

(I was barely 18 then
but her knife cut to the bone
that my heart doesn’t even have)
I share with the painters the desire
  To put a three-dimensional picture
  On a one-dimensional surface

How could you even hear me
if i just keep
It’s not as if these words
could be touched, even if spoken aloud.
The “i” who is:
  a writer
  a lover
  a statistic
  a story
All these are still contained
inside some Dorothy, looking for home
there’s a heart, a brain, some little bit of courage
lots of shoes but aren’t enough of those heels
already clicking out there?
Just as these fingers keep clicking across a keyboard,
a body if not a voice that’s screaming into the void.

I think i might’ve been young enough someday to believe
that i had all the answers,
but i’ve read a lot more books now so i realize
“the master knows nothing.”

Reality might become virtual but that won’t stop
        the howling
of the wind, the void, the wolves, or the voices
of all of us who always knew in our souls
that a better future awaits.

Sunset From The Good View

BV Park sunset 5-7-2020

As I sit at the last gasp of another fading Day,
The trees seem to whisper as Time slips away…
Our Little Blue Marble,
This Precious Pearl!
A Gem of Planet that’s Lost in a Swirl.
Now, Nations they can conquer
But Demons? They can’t Slay.
Fighting darkness with darkness
Won’t keep evil away.
Every night in this that place we call home
There’s still no one to talk to,
No one’s safe to touch,
And so,
Endlessly We Roam.

My Voice.

My Voice is something that has been getting me in Trouble for My Whole Life.
In point of fact, My Voice is THE thing which has defined My Whole Life;
My earliest memories are Those of Shame.
BE-ing shamed for My Voice:
its Volume, its Tone, its Color, its Flavor, its Type, its Category.
The Message Forced unto/onto/INTO me was that *I* Was. WRONG.
“Wrong” is a word which creates a binary–if I am Wrong, i cannot be Right.
I write with my RIGHT hand. If *I* am WRONG, then NOTHING IS LEFT.
Do you see?
Do you Begin?
Might YOU Begin…to See?
This is Me, and i am We, and We Are Us, and All Are We!
Dance and Play, Laugh and Sing; All IS Holy, So Mote It Be.
Watch. Your. Language.
Nothing is done in a vaccuum, and not *one*single*Quantum*
of Energy in This System
NOR, is It “wasted”.
We are ALL Creators.
Every Thought, Every Word, Every Deed.
Be careful, and Be MIND-full.
Accept information; process Knowledge.
These lead to Wisdom and also unto the wHOLeY MOTHER
(that which is) of UNDERSTANDING,
Thou Art God/dess,
Created in Thine Own Image.
Choose Love.
Choose WITH Love.
If you Lead With Love…
then, All Doors Shall Be Open.
(and, when these things are True and BELIEVED?
NOTHING is “impossible”.
There are no small actions, no small thoughts, no small people.
Only small minds, closed doors,
Voices “living” in Shame.
It Is Time.
She is waiting.
WE are waiting.
Join Us,
and Be Free.

No Remission

The sun is setting; the moon has risen–
A ripening white bloom floating in the grey-blue sea
Of storms–
I pause beneath the sitting-tree to shed my rain gear again,
Already steaming hot and sticky under my layers.
I begin my ascent of the variegated steps of wood and mud,
Offering my boots to the brown water and grit as I remain focused on the horizon above,
(Two men stand there conversing;
their black silhouettes against the darkening sky
give the impression of two kings
discussing the fates of all who reside below.)
The old hospitals come into view,
Lit warmly in their current role of urban housing
(For, presumably, the healthy more than the infirm).
The biting crosswind here tousles my hair and stings my naked ears
As the trail narrows.
Standing at the base of the formation,
I finally surrender and retrieve my winter hat
Before scrabbling up the slick, shining red stone.
Three hundred and sixty degrees of city spread down around me
Like a magnificent, glittering skirt of my own history,
The history of countless others too–
All who survived and all who did not,
Still woven together amongst the traffic and the towers,
The gutters and the gaslamps of times past–
I sit uncomfortably on the rock as I watch the last light fade behind Twin Peaks.
San Francisco, you who have held me,
Propelled me forward and knocked me down,
Almost twenty years now you have been
My foster parent,
A figure like unto a God (or Goddess) to me…
And as I watch yet another boiling black cloud rolling in from the water towards this vista,
I swallow hard and ask you aloud:
Neither the City nor the moon offer any reply.
My fingers ache in the frigid night air;
I return them to their gloves as I begin my descent
Back down from this place of gods and kings
And back into the frenzied swirl of urban life
In all of its many stages.
The path is dim in the cool, soft moonlight,
And my boots slide and slip across the wet wooden steps–
The trail feels unfamiliar and misleading in this new darkness
As strange night birds call out to one another.
I follow a tiny, trickling stream of water down the hill
To the tennis courts,
The blue-white street light eclipsing the luminous moon.
My stomach rumbles as the scents of dinners
Waft from the stately houses along the rain-soaked street.

As I approach my bicycle,
I idly fantasize of a hiding place
Where I could shelter all those who I love.

Image may contain: sky, tree, cloud, outdoor and nature
Image may contain: sky, cloud, night and outdoor

What Is Lost

Tonight is the 10th anniversary of my mother’s death. I can hardly believe I’ve gone this long without her.

My relationship to death has always felt strange to me. I accept death as a reality–as being written into the contract of life–but even though it’s already touched me (numerous times over) about as closely as it can without my own life ending, I’ve always had a sense that it’s a thing I mostly only know how to process intellectually, and not emotionally. I can accept that people die; I’ve accepted that people I love have died. I’m just not sure that I have ever really, viscerally and fully experienced the way that death and loss make me feel. It’s taken me close to a solid 10 years of therapy to realize that my default response to any trauma is disassociation, and who knows how much more work needs to be done before I might actually be able to change that default response. Continue reading What Is Lost

Of Matters Filial and Matrimonial

One of my absolute favorite authors is Neil Gaiman. I’ve been happy to immerse Andrew into the multitude of worlds Gaiman has created via his writings, and most recently, Andrew completed Gaiman’s novel Anansi Boys. When I was telling Andrew why I thought he should prioritize reading it, I said “there are important, true things he says in this novel. Things more important and profound than in American Gods, possibly.”

(Funny enough, when he pointed out that the blue-silver spider embossed on the hardcover has only seven legs, I had no recollection of anything within the story which might indicate that this was deliberate; however, I felt a nagging insistence that there was some reasonable explanation.)

When Andrew was finished with the novel, I began to realize that it had not been since its initial publication in 2005 that I myself had read the book. I still had strong impressions buried in my subconscious that told me there were vital truths among its pages, nonetheless. Continue reading Of Matters Filial and Matrimonial